Thursday, November 14, 2013

International rules for sports

(from Dexter)
I believe that sports are not singular in regards to a nation but sports govern international competition.In regards to the legalization of steroids, what would be international repercussions our athletes would face?  Would the US be banned from international play for instance?


  1. Dexter makes a very good point. Just because US regulations may allow steroids, it does not necessary follow that other countries will lift their restrictions. The reason we would legalize them would be to even the playing field, promote competition, and regulate use. However, it would only make an uneven playing field with other countries while basically eliminating their competition. On the other hand, if steroids are used in football, there would not necessarily be a concern about competition between other countries. The highest level of football is played in the NFL. This brings up issues of when to allow for steroid use incase younger players want to play other sports as well. If steroid use is restricted to football, anyone wanting to play baseball, basketball, etc. would be unable.

  2. The simple fact is that if this happened it would be impossible to make the game fair on an Olympic stage because the richer nations would have an even larger advantage than they already do and how could you say it is fair for a person who can inject himself with thousand of dollars worth of "juice" is better than the person who has been training on a mountain and doing nothing but what his or her body allows. It completely muddies the water when it comes to true fair competition. Competition is already being called into question with the legalization of steroids it would become the team with the most money and with the player who are willing to take those steroids to excel. Personally i would never take steroids no matter what and what happens to a player like myself who would have been good enough to play without steroids before but because he or she wont harm their body even more why do they not deserve to compete?

  3. I agree with what everyone is saying and that the legalization of steroids would create more problems than it would solve. What’s more, at least to me, sports have the power to awe because of the amazing displays of natural talent. And if steroids are legalized then sports are no longer exhibitions of natural talent but of chemically enhanced actions. And thus sports would lose their power over their fans because there is nothing impressive about watching actions that are a product of a bottle.

  4. I also agree with what everyone is saying. If steroids are legalized on a national level, the richer countries will gain a bigger advantage than they already have. They can already give their athletes the best training possible. All this scenario would do is let the rich countries buy the best forms of performance enhancing drugs. Also something to consider is the amount of records that would be broken. How would this be fair to the athletes who hold these records currently?

  5. If steroids were legalized the "pre-steroid" era records would be null and void because most of them would probably be broken and re-broken by the end of the first season of steroid legalization. Or they could just be closed and new records for the new "steroid" era would be established. If the records were not separated, the athletes who had set their records without the use of steroids are disrespected, in my opinion, because they honestly set those at the peak performance of their game without a stimulant; whereas, the player who was juicing during the offseason is not at his natural ability- he's not honest.

  6. First off I think that steroids undermine the integrity of sports but if they were legalized I think that it would depend on how much emphasis certain countries put on training there athletes. For instance the countries that already spend the most money to train there athletes to an elite level will probably have the best quality of steroids for here athletes.

  7. I feel that is steroids were legal then everyone would be using them. Steroids are a performance enhancer, they are designed to take an athlete to a new level. They make you faster, stronger, jump higher, this would do nothing but make sports more entreating and more action packed. Athletes from many nations would take them.

  8. I agree with everyone in that legalizing steroids would cause international repercussions. Steroids may improve performance but they are harming your body. I believe that if steroids were legal the US would not participate in major sporting events such as the Olympics and the World Cup. It would have to be a change made throughout the world not just in the US.

    1. I disagree, cigarretts are harming to your body and everyone in the world still takes them. Why would it be any different from international play? When taking steroids you still have to workout to maintain your body or else you will look flabby. Basically i feel that they cancel each other because if nobody in the world takes steroids then everyone is evenly matched, so if everyone took steroids then they would be evenly matched at a higher level.

  9. I agree that legalizing steroids would cause a violent riff in the international playing field that the US currently enjoys. Though we would lift the ban, there is no saying that others would follow our example, especially with the negative stigma that is attached to steroids (the possible health implications they can cause). By legalizing steroids, I believe that if the US were to legalize steroids, we would be athletically isolating ourselves.

  10. I think if this were to occur, the foreign nations may not want to compete with US athletes at all. They may kind of "shun" our athletes because of the steroid allowance. Just because we were to lift the ban doesn't mean all other nations would as well. Also, if we were to lift the ban what happens to all the previously recorded sports records that happened before the ban was uplifted? It would seem as though all those athletes did would be for nothing and that we would have to start all over because there is no way anyone could compare the pre and post steroid athletes on a level playing field, they would have too large of a competitive advantage. They would have this same advantage if they were to play a non steroid using international team.

  11. Look, if you watched rocky you saw that Ivan Drago obviously used steroids. Rocky trained without steroids and beat Drago. (even tho we know that Sylvestor Stalone used steriods to get that swole) This obviously shows that the international rules could follow these same legalization rules.

  12. I don't think they should legalize steroids. It would ruin the game and it ruins the lives and health of many of those who have taken them. Also just because we lift the ban doesn't mean everyone will follow us. I believe if we did lift the ban the US would be hated and called cheaters. No one would play us and we would isolate ourselves from the international playing field.

  13. A way to help international rules and regulations to steroid usage would be coming to a unanimous decision on what types of steroids would be available to all of those participating in international games like the olympics. Therefore it would have to be reasonably feasible for all countries to have access to said steroids.

    If they are not to have any form of tolerance towards steroid use at the international level, then they could say in order to participate in international competitions, participants must submit samples 6 months prior to that competition and right before. I feel like this a potential logical attempt to satisfy both sides of the issue.

  14. LEGALIZE THEM! I believe whole heartedly that steroids would only make sports better. People would be bigger faster and stronger. what is to not like about that! if everyone used them it would be great. the only argument that people have is that it is bad for your body. people know it is bad for them so it is their free will if they want to take them or not.
