Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Underage Drinking and Sports

In this story there is a high school volleyball player who picked up her drunk friends from a party. She was the designated driver, and police summoned her to court even though she had not taken a drink. She was then suspended from the team for 5 games. Do you think she did the right thing? Should she of stayed home and not helped her friends? Did the School do the right thing?



  1. In my personal opinion, I believe the driver did the right thing, and personally I would've done the same thing as she did had been put in the situation. I don't understand why she was summoned though, or why she would even get a suspension if she hadn't broken any laws or did anything wrong. Some people may actually even call the girl a "hero" for taking care of not only her friends but also her community by not letting the girls who had been drinking operate a vehicle because who knows what could've happened. That being said, I believe she did do the right thing by picking up her friends (not necessarily that the other girls were drinking), but I don't believe the school made the right decision on suspending her, especially when she could've potentially saved the other girls lives. Did the article say how anyone even found out about the incident (Law enforcement, confession, etc.?) ? I must have missed it if its there.

  2. Unless she broke some law or school rule I'm not sure what she did wrong? There has to be something missing from this story.

    1. Yeah Im curious as to why she got pulled over? If her friends were drunk then the police office should have asked her to step out the car and take a breathalyzer test. Im sure she would of past the test and explain to the officer what she was doing out. The officer clearly wasn't doing his job right. As for the school, they are way out of line because they didn't even try to figure out the whole 411 on the situation. If anything the school should pay her for not caring about their students.

  3. that is insane that the school will punish this girl for doing the right thing and saving her friend from making a stupid decision.

  4. I believe that the driver did the right thing by picking her friends up. We do not know what could have happened if she let them drive after they were drinking. If they did make this decision it could have harmed themselves as well as others. If I was in this situation I would have also made the decision to pick my friends up for their safety.

  5. if she wouldn't have picked up her friends then something bad could've happened and she would've been blamed for that too or would've blamed herself for not helping. She did something that every single person would do if they were in her shoes. She did the right thing and I think it is crazy for the school to punish her for that.

  6. I don't understand how this volleyball player became the scapegoat, her friend was the one who was drunk, a police officer vouched for her sobriety, and she was just there to give a ride. I can understand a school's intolerance of athletes who are engaging in underage drinking but what I don't understand is their making an example of this volleyball player who was simply trying to protect her friend and other drivers by being a designated driver.

  7. I dont think the volleyball player should get punished for being a designated driver. Instead she should be rewarded. she possibly saved someones life and that should be taken into account when looking at this certain case. She did the right thing!!

  8. I don't think that the DD shouldn't have gotten in trouble for picking up her friends from the drunk party. She definitely did the right thing. She is part of a team, and I think the team spirit continues off the field too. She was doing what is good for the team and picking them up, and I don't understand why she's being punished for picking up drunk individuals who could have died from driving on the road or hurt someone else. She was doing a common good for everyone

  9. I definitely think that she did the right thing. I also believe that she shouldn't be suspended or have any punishments. If she hadn't picked them up they may have driven and possibly could have been killed. She saved the herself, the families, school, and the community from possibly losing those kids.

  10. As Dexter mentioned, I believe something has to be missing in order for there to be justification to the penalties she received. On the other hand, if the story is true as is and she truly didn't have anything to drink throughout the night and was doing them a favor to pick them up to PREVENT friends from diving drunk, then as parents of the girl I would consult with her about changing schools and other seeking potential legal actions for neglecting rights the girl had. Saddening to see someone get in trouble, especially by the law, for doing what we are all taught to do.

  11. I think that the volleyball player completely made the right decision morally and ethically. She did not condone her friends actions but she was responsible enough to pick them up and was a good teammate when her friends were in a bad situation. I do believe the school did not make the right decision whatsoever why punish the person who did the only right thing in the situation.

  12. I agree with DJ there has to be something missing for the sober girl who was driving and doing a great thing to keep her friends safe and out of trouble. What this girl did, she should not have gotten into any trouble at all, she was doing what any good person would do and that was preventing her friends from a making a major mistake and often fatal one, driving after drinking. She should be praised for what she did to help her friends.

  13. I agree that she should not have gotten into trouble for potentially preventing an even worse situation. Perhaps if she had not gone to pick them up, they could have driven drunk and caused an accident with fatal repercussions. I don't think she should be praised as a hero or anything of that sort, but this was just an act of using her common sense and by being a good friend. I think it's wrong the school suspended her from athletics games when she herself had not had a single drink of alcohol. That is just the school wanting to make an example of someone to make a point, and she had given them the perfect opportunity.

  14. This girl did the right thing. For her friends sake and for everyone else driving around that night's sake as well. It would be different if she herself was drinking and driving with her friends but she was smart and responsible enough to be her friends designated driver. She was watching out for her friend and by punishing her for being responsible just seems stupid. Unless there is something missing from the story she should not have been suspended. If they were to make an example of anyone they should have made an example of her friends who were underage and drinking.

  15. I do not feel that the school did the right thing at all. The girl was going to help her friend that was drunk and couldn't drive. She was being a good friend and a good citizen helping her friend that was in a bad situation. She saved her friend form being in a worse situation with driving drunk and possibly killing her or someone else. If my friend needed me to d.d. for them because they couldn't drive, I would do it in a heartbeat. This is honestly one of the dumbest things I have ever heard.
