Friday, October 25, 2013

President Armstrong's visit

What did you think about President Armstrong's visit and what he had to say?  What did you agree with? Disagree with?


  1. I thought it was very interesting what President Armstrong had to say and I agreed with most of what he had to say. I particularly agreed with his interpretation of what a sport is and I thought that it was a very interesting perspective especially since we had already had our own discussion about the same topic.

  2. I enjoyed President Armstrong's visit and thought he had a lot of valuable personal insight into the discussions we have been having so far this semester. It was interesting to hear his unique career path and how integral of a role sports played in what lead him to be our President at Thomas More. I believe his story reflects how valuable an athletic career can be for somebody if they appreciate the opportunities that are given to them and make the most out everything that comes along with it, such as President Armstrong's coaching and athletic director positions.

  3. i think the president had great insight on college athletics. He is a great example of a man who knows sports and had a great explanation of what a sport is. I thought a lot about what he said in the end about sports being separate. That may be possible in high school before to too long but i think even in high school it is nearly impossible. can you imagine highlands or elder not having a football team? for both high schools and colleges usually the football team makes too much money for them to separate anything. On a different note, i think it is very respectable that they stared a team and was ranked number 6 by the time he left. Takes a lot of leadership for something like that!

  4. I liked the points that the president made. I agree with him that sports and athletics can play a big role in peoples future and career. Also his idea of what are and aren't sports. I really enjoyed how he said that sports brought his family together. It is the same way in my family we come together and sit around to watch our teams play.

  5. President Armstrong's discussion was much more relevant and intuitive to the course than I had expected. His own personal experiences hit on most of the aspects we have already discussed in class, such as the definition of what a sport is, the importance of sports to an individual and society, and performance enhancing drugs. He has been in many leadership roles directly linked to sports and so hearing his insight and opinions on ethical issues was interesting. I agree with his definition of sport and the idea that sport is about family and tradition. That is what keeps players playing the game and what keeps the fans watching the game. His theory on separating sports and education is valid in my opinion and maybe should be done theoretically; however, in reality, I believe this will never happen due to the closely tied connections between money and simply the tradition of sports in big time schools and universities.

  6. I really enjoyed President Armstrong's visit. I had heard that he was really involved in sports and athletics but I didn't realize he had such an impressive background. I agreed with him on pretty much every point he hit on. I really like his outlook on how he believes sports bring family and people together. I think that being involved in sports helps bring people close together whether they are playing the sport or sitting around watching it on tv. I also a lot about him saying sports and school being separate. In grade school i believe that would be great for students to get a totally new social life than just the people they see at school everyday. I played sports outside of my school and i think i enjoyed playing outside of my school team more. But when it comes to higher level sports in high school and college i don't think it would be the best idea for those sports to be separate. In high school, sports are what makes the school.

  7. I enjoyed the President's visit. His background in sports and throughout programs is very impressive and diverse over many different levels. He has had many opportunities and throughout his talk I felt that each experience was unique and formed his life. I also enjoyed his comments about sports and athletics. He had an interesting view and by the end of his talk I felt that I was agreeing with his ideas. But overall I really enjoyed the class.

  8. I kind of wanted to argue his idea about sports "creating" values that we then take to the classroom (interalism/externalism) but other than that I thought it was interesting with the experience he has.


  9. The president's visit was interesting to say the least. I especially liked the parameters that he used to define a sport, namely that to be a sport it has to be human powered (no cars or horses as a vehicle) and the scoring has to be objective, not subjective.

    Towards the end of his discussion the president mentioned that the ideal way for having sport programs would be to imitate European countries and have sport teams that are not affiliated with the schools. I was surprised at this statement because of the president’s emphasis on the expansion of TMC’s sport programs. I suppose the above statement should not surprise me though, because the president also mentioned that the sport programs here act as major incentives for enrollment and I guess part of a college President’s job is to make sure that the teachers have someone to teach.

  10. This doesnt really answer this question but since we cannot post topics ill just put the link here. A recent article showed that penn state is paying about 60 million dollars to the families and victims of the boys impacted in the sandusky case .

    My question is, why does money make up for something that can impact these people the rest of their lives. When someone dies how does money being paid to them make up for it? I think that is a problem that people can be bought. I'm not saying i cant be bought, because i love money as well. But i think this is just weird to think about.

  11. I really enjoyed President Armstrong's visit. Hearing just his background and how he became who he is today really impressed me to be honest. The way he tied in key concepts from our class learning to his actual life story and to hear how big a part that sports played in his upbringing and adult life was really cool to learn. However, I think the biggest thing I took away from his talk was his approach to studying. Im the type to just read the text and my notes over and over again, but his words of advice make complete sense to make a sample of the test and create a time environment. Its such a simple thought and it opened my eyes and I couldn't believe that never crossed my mind. I think Thomas More College did a great job in hiring President Armstrong.

  12. I really like hearing President Armstrong talk. He really knows how to give a good speech. It was the second time I have gotten to hear him and his story it was just as interesting as before. I think the way he put sports were just like an art piece. I agree with him 100% on this because I think the you put so much time and effort to do that perfect piece and want to strive for that perfect play or art piece. I think as much time and effort goes into making that perfect art piece and the perfect play. It is hard to accomplish but when it comes together and become that perfect piece it is amazing. people might react differently when it happens but when it comes down to it you achieved what you wanted and that was that perfect play.

  13. With being the first time i have heard President Armstrong talk and actually meet i really enjoyed hearing what he had to say. I believe that with his background in sports and athletics, has made him the great person that he is and allows him to be able to talk to people on that personal level and understand what goes on at a smaller campus. With his professionalism and sports background, i thought he could really touch base with all of us even those that werent athletes, due to the aspect of being in our shoes at one time and knowing what we go through.

  14. I enjoyed the President's visit a lot especially since what he was saying made a lot of sense. His background really explains on why he thinks the way he does. However, this was not my first time hearing the President talk. So, I knew what to expect and how much energy he brings when he speaks.
