Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Are we *naturally* competitive?  More so than cooperative?  Does it depend on the circumstance?  We're "trained" to be competitive in sports, but what about everyday life?  Where do you compete, where do you cooperate?  Think of some examples & discuss.

I'll post some more questions related to the chapter after our classmates present.  In the meantime, what do you think about this article:

Also, what questions on the general topic of competition do you have for Coach Hilvert, TMC's head football coach?  He'll join us for class on 5 Sept.  It would be helpful if you send me your questions by Tuesday 3 Sept.


  1. In today's society we are taught to win and for some people win at any cost. With the world being so competitive and there being college graduates that can not find a job every day is a competition for your future and this also is emphesized in sports and that finishing second is just "first loser" why can we not just work together as a community instead of killing each other

  2. I believe we are naturally competitive in everything we do in life. From trying to beat your brother in a playstation game, getting that higher position at the job you want over the next person, and getting a higher grade than the other. we are all fighting against someone else in life to come out ahead. its how we have been taught in todays society.

  3. Yes, I do believe that we are a naturally competitive species. I believe that we are we may more competitive than cooperative as well. I think being trained in sports to be competitive that the mentality does carry over to everyday life, however, I don't believe it carries over in every circumstance and I think that it can be a situational trait depending. Learning to be competitive can be both a good and a bad thing, obviously you want to be competitive in obtaining a job or "winning" a bid on something like a house. However, I believe that there can be different types of competitiveness like trying to raise as much money for a cause possible or a situation such as playing a board game with a toddler or child, you obviously still have that competitive advantage but it lessens (for me anyways) in those type of situations for a greater good than just winning.

  4. I believe we are naturally competitive in everything we do in life. We are brought up to be the best we can be and not to settle for anything less. We will always want to be better than that person that is better than us. Life is a never ending competition that no one really will ever win. We really can't win because there is always going to be someone somewhere that we want to be or something that we need to win in order to succeed in life.

    1. I have to agree with Michelle in the fact of we are naturally competitive in everything we do. It doesn't matter if it is sports or something in school, we are competitive in it. Being competitive is something that each person is born with.

  5. I think we are naturally competitive because it's been a part of us since way back when the cavemen had to fight for survival, and that would mean fighting others for the necessities. In our case in sports, internally it's our necessity to win and be on top. I think we've grown to be individuals who strive to bring out our very best, and in most cases, it's either in school, work, or in sports. When we have a challenge to face, whether it be papers in school, hard labor at work, or going against another team in sports, it's our goal to do our best to win. I know for me personally, I'm my own competitor in school. I try my best to do well in school, get good grades, and battle against my laziness or just the lack of motivation that I might have. I also challenge my body to get up and work out. That's something that I deal with everyday and is a constant battle.

  6. I think that, as people, we aren't naturally competitive. I think the idea of competition is a learned idea, from coaches and, in some instances, parents. The parents and coaches try to convey to their child that they are supposed to push themselves and compete with themselves to get better as well as compete with their peers to beat them out for either a spot on the team, or a specific position. On the same note, a child who was not raised around sports may not be interested in being competitive and be more passive. In the end, the competitive edge is more of a learned mind-set rather than a natural mind-set.

    1. I agree with Ana. I think that competitiveness with others is something that is acquired through culture. There is a difference between self-improvement, or self-motivation and competition. It is natural to want to be the very best as you can be in your field. Competition with others can be taught by parents and is definitely encouraged in business, academia, and obviously sport. Competition involves a set standard that two opponents need to excel in order to "win". Those standards are what make it opportune to be more competitive with others. Otherwise, everyone would set their own standards and attempt to excel them based primarily on self-accomplishment.

  7. I don't believe that there is a difference between being competitive and being cooperative. If there is a task that needs to be done and I can use a team mate for help to make the process even easier then there isn't a circumstance that I would not choose to have help. Unless the task pivots me against everyone else then I find it hard that most people would not ask for help from a friend to aide in the completion of the task. In these teams I will be competitive but the level of cooperation I get to spend with another does not change how hard I will work to do well. My level of competitiveness is independent of my ability of being cooperative. However in sports the entire culture is dog eat dog so there is no chance of helping a teammate out when trying to rise in the ranks. I can give advice to the people below me on how I've made my climb but other than that, if I am competing for a position then I keep to myself. In the real world there is much more opportunity to pull others up with you as you grow, unless it is strictly for a position in a company. With this I would definitely help others as we all work our way through the company.

  8. I believe that we are naturally born competitive. I believe it is an innate sense of survival. I also believe that this has heightened over the years because of athletics, and also our society. I mean in our society we are told to be more competitive because only the best qualified get the better jobs. It is all about effort. In a sense competition is an important instinct to have.

  9. I feel like everyone is naturally competitive and we all have different levels of it. Some people are very competitive and others not and there is nothing wrong with that. It doesn't make you a better person or not which kind of person you are.
